It can cause chaos and destruction but I am fascinated by rain.
I respect it in each and every one of its
illustrious guises, especially when it descends in a gentle mist and caresses
the earth like the soft down of a newborn baby, or when it is harsh and cold,
turning pavements to a stunning silvery grey. Gentle or fierce, it says
something about who you are. Rain is a mirror to your soul.
As a child someone took me outside into the rain
and told me that, there, above me and around me and below me, was my past. The
rain that was enveloping me had hugged my mother and my grandmother and her grandmother
before her. In tiny drops it comprised everything I had ever been. It is
poetry, it is strength.
When I see rain, when I hear it, and when I feel
it tease me, balancing playfully on my eyelashes or trickling under my collar
and slipping unsuspectingly down my throat, I know who I am. I
am strengthened by a well of familiarity that instead of submerging, releases. It frees.
Rain makes me melancholic, in a malleable way, as
if its blanket of sadness can offer some kind of comfort, like a classic poem
that brings tears of sorrow to your eyes and a contrasting smile to your lips. When
you stare into its looking glass you know exactly where you are going and can understand
from where you have come.
Here and then, tomorrow or yesterday, we and it share
the same paths, forwards or backwards. Rain is a metaphor, a reminder, just
when we need it most, that life is fragile. When the rain stops, in those briefest
of precious moments, if we look for it, we can find our time, our tiny chance.
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